Diagnosed with a a serious illness at the age of 20 weeks of pregnancy, makes his 's parents, Michelle and LaFayette Turner faced with three options, namely a comfortable death, termination of a fetus or underwent heart surgery three series.
For Michelle and LaFayette, easy to decide which option is selected. Of course saving lives despite her young daughter had to undergo a series of major surgery. Dr. Eric Mendeloff the baby was first operated on 21 February. Since then, Michelle and her baby daughter LaFayette always keep your eyes closed while in a state
Unfortunately, not every day that the baby went through a good day for him. But he still continues to survive. For both parents, the baby is a strong baby.
"Skylar means luminous, powerful, beautiful and full of love," said Michelle Murphy-Turner, Skylar's mother, as reported by Thegrio, Thursday (05/04/2012).
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a rare and complex heart defect that occurs when the baby is born (congenital). This rare syndrome makes the left heart can not develop properly.
If the baby is born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the left side of the heart can not effectively pump blood to the body, so the right side of the heart must pump blood both to the lungs and throughout the body, as reported by Mayoclinic.
Drugs to prevent the closure of the connection (ductus arteriosus) between the right and left, followed by surgery or heart transplantation is good, necessary for hypoplastic left heart syndrome patients.