Kidney Failure and its causes

Kidney Failure is a disease that affects many people due to various reasons. Most Kidney Failure attack the nephrons, causing the loss of its ability to filter. Damage to the nephrons may happen quickly, often as a result of injuries or poisoning.
But most Kidney Failure destroy the nephrons slowly and silently. Damage is only seen after several years or even decades. Most Kidney Failure attack both kidneys simultaneously.
Two causes of Kidney Failure the most common are diabetes and high blood pressure. If we have no family history of kidney problems, we may be at risk of Kidney Failure.
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Kidney Failure
diabetes is a disease that inhibits the use of glucose (sugar) by the body. When arrested in the blood and not broken down, glucose can act like a poison. Damage to the nephrons result in blood glucose that is used is called diabetic nephropathy. If we can hold in your blood glucose levels remain low, we can delay or prevent diabetic nephropathy.
kidney failure
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys. Damaged vessels can not filter waste materials from the blood as it should. Your doctor may prescribe medication for high blood. High blood pressure drugs called angiotensin convert enzyme inhibitor (angiotensin-converting enzyme / ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor barrier (angiotensin receptor blocker / ARB) were found to be more effective to protect the kidney compared with other drugs that reduce blood pressure at the same level
National Institutes of Health in the U.S. suggest people with diabetes or low renal function in order to keep blood pressure below 130/80.
Some types of Kidney Failure is classified in this category, including autoimmune diseases, infection-related diseases, and sclerotic diseases. As the name implies, glomerular diseases attack the tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) in the kidney.
Primary glomerular diseases are most prevalent include membrane nephropathy (membranous nephropathy), IgA nephropathy and focal segmental glomerularsklerosis (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis). Protein, blood, or both in the epidermis of art are often the first sign of Kidney Failure
Glomerular disease can slowly destroy kidney function. Blood pressure regulation is important for all renal disease. Treatments for glomerular diseases may include immune-suppressing drugs or steroids to reduce inflammation and proteinuria (protein in urine), depending on the Kidney Failure it self.